UNG Dean of Libraries earns 2017 Award for Excellence

August 29, 2017
Dr. Deborah Prosser, dean of libraries for the University of North Georgia (UNG), received the 2017 Award for Excellence in the category of Advocacy from the Georgia Historical Records Advisory Council (GHRAC) for making it her mission to build the University of North Georgia's (UNG) libraries' archives.

Article By: Staff

More than four years ago, Dr. Deborah Prosser made it her mission to build the University of North Georgia's (UNG) libraries' archives for three reasons: to preserve the history of the former institutions before consolidation; build the research collections in anticipation of UNG's growth; and collect and preserve documents related to the history and culture of the communities UNG serves.

As Prosser strives to complete her mission, the Georgia Historical Records Advisory Council (GHRAC) has recognized her work with the 2017 Award for Excellence in the category of Advocacy. She received the award based on her commitment to advocacy on behalf of archives and records management through sustained efforts over a period of years.

Prosser will receive the recognition during GHRAC's annual awards program in October at the Georgia State Archives in Morrow, Georgia.

 "To be recognized is a true honor, because I know many people are working really hard to preserve the history of our state," Prosser said.

However, the UNG dean of libraries pointed out she did not do it alone.

"It is my vision, but I hired Allison Galloup, our special collections and digital initiatives librarian, to manage and work with me to grow the collections and make them accessible," she said.

Poet Ashley M. Jones to speak at UNG

Poet Ashley M. Jones to speak at UNG

Ashley M. Jones, the Poet Laureate of Alabama, will share her poetry Feb. 28 as part of the Hoag Lecture Series at the University of North Georgia.