Expert Guide

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Erick  Jones

Erick Jones

Dean of Students
Financial planning for higher education and financial literacy | Money management for college students
Richard Byers

Richard Byers

History - Anthropology - Philosophy
German history | Southeast Asia | Modern Europe | Holocaust, genocide | aviation history
Carl Cavalli

Carl Cavalli

Political Science & International Affairs
Elections | Political parties | American national institutions
Gregory  Feiden

Gregory Feiden

Physics and Astronomy
Stellar structure | Evolution
Natalie Hyslop

Natalie Hyslop

Wildlife ecology | Conservation and management | Herpetology | Population ecology
Alexandra Kraft

Alexandra Kraft

Visual Arts
Ceramics | 3D design
Anastasia  Lin

Anastasia Lin

Academic Affairs
Undergraduate research | Nationally competitive scholarships | Multi-ethnic literature
Johanna Luthman

Johanna Luthman

History - Anthropology - Philosophy
British Tudor and Stuart history | Gender history | History of love, sex, and marriage
Timothy May

Timothy May

College of Arts & Letters
Mongol Empire | Central Eurasian history | Islamic history | The Crusades
Jon Mehlferber

Jon Mehlferber

Visual Arts
3D printing | Sculpture | Digital 3D Design | Art theory | Graphic design | Art criticism
Douglas Orr

Douglas Orr

Criminal Justice
Cybersecurity | Cybercrime | Disaster Management | Homeland Security | Major Crimes Investigations
Tom Preston

Tom Preston

School of Communication, Film & Theatre
Argumentation and debate | Political communication | Public address | Culture and the media
Nathan Price

Nathan Price

Political Science & International Affairs
Voting behavior | American politics | Western European politics
Rose Procter

Rose Procter

TRUIST Center for Ethical Leadership
Ethics | Leadership | Small business
Linda  Purvis

Linda Purvis

Poultry science | Infectious diseases | Virology | Immunology
Lesley  Simanton-Coogan

Lesley Simanton-Coogan

Physics and Astronomy
Astronomy, specifically star clusters
Glen Smith

Glen Smith

Political Science & International Affairs
Media | political psychology | research methods

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