UNG president to speak about college mergers at NACUBO

July 18, 2018
University of North Georgia (UNG) President Bonita Jacobs will serve as a panelist at the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) annual meeting.

Article By: Staff

University of North Georgia (UNG) President Bonita Jacobs will be a speaker at the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) annual meeting July 21-24 in Long Beach, California.

NACUBO is a membership organization representing more than 1,900 colleges and universities across the country, according to its website. It specifically represents chief business and financial officers through advocacy efforts, community service and professional development activities.

Jacobs will serve as a panelist in the "Monday Morning Learning Opps" session on the topic titled "Anchored in Culture, Ingenuity and Pride: Mergers that Capitalize on Context." She will draw from her experience in piloting the consolidation of Gainesville State College and North Georgia College and State University in 2013.

Joining Jacobs on the panel will be Ricardo Azziz, chief officer of academic health and hospital affairs at the State University of New York System in Albany, New York, and Haven Ladd, managing director of Parthenon-EY, the education practice of Ernst and Young LLP in Boston.

Panelists will address key questions: What market forces create the impetus for mergers? Which institutions should consider mergers—and why? What critical elements must be in place for a merger to succeed?

Nighthawk Impact Tour visits Gwinnett, Forsyth schools

Nighthawk Impact Tour visits Gwinnett, Forsyth schools

Leaders from UNG visited the Gwinnett County and Forsyth County school systems Feb. 12-13 as part of the 'Nighthawk Impact Tour: Education Edition.'