Brewer named Fieldale Chair by College of Education

January 30, 2019
Dr. Jameson Brewer, an assistant professor of social foundations of education at the University of North Georgia (UNG), has been awarded the College of Education's Fieldale Chair for 2019.

Article By: Staff

Dr. Jameson Brewer, an assistant professor of social foundations of education at the University of North Georgia (UNG), has been awarded the College of Education's Fieldale Chair for 2019 based on his extensive scholarship and policy work exploring the impacts of privatization and marketization of public schools.

"We chose Dr. Brewer not only because his presentations and publications were prolific, but he also works on educational policy at a larger level," said Dr. Sheri Hardee, dean of the College of Education at UNG. "He publishes not only for academics but also for the public and has a dedication and drive for changing educational policy."

Brewer previously was named the 2016 College of Education’s Outstanding Doctoral Student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and served as the O’Leary Fellow at the Forum on the Future of Public Education.

The Fieldale Chair is chosen by committee based on the faculty’s recent research, such as presentations and publications, and accomplishments. Brewer's publications include papers in peer-reviewed journals and books he has written and edited. Publications recognizing his scholarly work include the Huffington Post, the Washington Post, Progressive Magazine, Nonprofit Quarterly, and numerous others.

"Teach for America Counter-Narratives: Alumni Speak Up and Speak Out," a book he co-edited, was named a "Teaching for Change" favorite book of 2015 by the nonprofit group Teach for Change.

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