Recent alumnus graduates at top of leadership class

April 13, 2020
2nd Lt. Rainer Eldred takes the oath during his commissioning ceremony in May 2019. Delivering the oath is his father, COL Lance R. Eldred. Rainer Eldred recently graduated from Logistics Basic Officer Leadership Course (BOLC) at Fort Lee, Virginia.

Article By: Staff

University of North Georgia (UNG) alumnus and Army 2nd Lt. Rainer Eldred recently graduated from Logistics Basic Officer Leadership Course (BOLC) at Fort Lee, Virginia. He finished as the Distinguished Honor Graduate for Ordnance and earned the No. 1 spot in the combined course of Ordnance, Quartermaster and Transportation.

Eldred, who graduated in May 2019 with a bachelor's degree in strategic and security studies, said the honors, especially the No. 1 spot in the combined course, felt strange.

"I always want to try my best at everything I do but have never really had that translate to an achievement on this scale before," he said. "So it was part shocking and part motivating as well."

Dr. Billy Wells, senior vice president for leadership and global engagement, explained Eldred's accomplishment is significant.

"It's like the military equivalent of valedictorian for your branch of the Army at that level and an indicator of your future potential," said Wells, a retired Army colonel.

Eldred's father, COL Lance R. Eldred, was the class mentor and presented his son with his diploma at Fort Lee.

"That was a great moment for me as a dad," said Lance R. Eldred, who has served in the Army for 33 years.

Rainer Eldred is now on his first duty assignment with the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division. He has recently completed Air Assault School training at Fort Campbell, Kentucky and is now a distribution platoon leader.

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