Green Zone (GZ)

Mission Statement

The purpose of Green Zone training is to empower UNG faculty and staff to support student veterans as they transition from military life to a college environment. Green Zone stickers identify a safe place for student veterans where UNG faculty and staff with a deeper understanding and appreciation of their military experiences can assist and connect them to available resources.


Develop a network of trained Green Zone advocates across all UNG campuses to foster a caring and supportive community for student veterans and military-connected students.


  • Increase knowledge of military terms and experiences of student veterans at UNG
  • Enhance understanding of challenges student veterans face transitioning from military life to a college environment
  • Provide access to training and resources to support student veterans at UNG

Spring 2024

Virtual Green Zone Training

Wednesday, March 27, 2024
14:00 - 16:30
2:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Reserve Your Seat Today!