Margaret Williamson

Dr. Margaret Williamson has worked on the University of North Georgia's (UNG) Oconee Campus since 1996, and the sociology professor's commitment to students has remained steadfast.

Williamson, who earned the Best Practices in Service Learning Award from UNG's Center for Teaching, Learning, and Leadership in 2014, thrives on seeing students' grow in their service learning efforts and watching them share that passion with their classmates.

"They learn something about themselves that they didn't know," Williamson said.

Her role as a faculty member places her in a clear leadership role, and she aims to use that platform to give others a voice in projects. Additionally, she aims to take a consistent approach so others can rely on her.

"Leadership is the ability to influence people," Williamson said. "I try to lead by example. I try to make sure that my actions represent what I'm saying I'm doing and encouraging my students to do."

Williamson teaches courses in the human services delivery and administration and gerontology programs. In addition, she is a leader among her peers. Williamson has served multiple terms in the Faculty Senate and is on UNG's promotion and tenure committee.

Ultimately, the chance to encourage students to pursue their dreams is the goal.

"It is so rewarding when former students contact me to tell me they remember something from class and applied it in their personal life or when current or former students email me information that reminded them of a class discussion," Williamson said. "When I think of my students, I am so proud when they want to major in sociology or change their major to sociology as a result of my classes. This is such an honor."

Making that kind of impact requires a delicate balancing act that can pay major dividends.

"Finding a way to empower students, yet hold them accountable and guide them, can be challenging," Williamson said. "I think that when you empower those you are leading, they are more likely to follow your lead."

Rosaria Meek

Rosaria Meek

As a teacher of Spanish at the University of North Georgia (UNG), Dr. Rosaria Meek likes to blend compassion and a joy of learning into the classroom and in leadership.