Alejandro Sarria

Dr. Alejandro Sarria began working at UNG during the fall of 2017. Among Alejandro’s research interests are the long-time behavior of special classes of solutions to nonlinear PDE’s from fluid dynamics. For example, stagnation-point form solutions of the Euler and Boussinesq Equations. Prior to joining UNG, he was a Visiting Assistant Professor at Williams College for two years and a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Colorado Boulder for two years. In addition to math research and teaching, he is an avid long distance runner (has run 10+ ultra-marathons) and hiker.
- Ph.D., Engineering and Applied Sciences, University of New Orleans, 2012
- M.S., Mathematics, University of New Orleans, 2009
- B.S., Mathematics, University of New Orleans, 2008
Research/Special Interests
- Partial Differential Equations
- Evolution Equations
- Fluid Dynamics
- Remarks on infinite energy solutions to the n-dimensional Euler and MHD equations with time-dependent damping, in progress.
- Blowup of Damped Infinite Energy Solutions to the 3D Euler Equations with Homogeneous Three-Point Boundary Condition, (with I. Obi-Okoye), The Pump Journal of Undergraduate Research 5 (2022), 152-160.
- Redesigning College Algebra: A Vision for the Future (with B. Das, T. Hartfield, C. Kitchings, N. Ngo, and M. Phipps), USG, Gateways to Completion Case Study 005, July 15, 2020.
- On the $L^p$ regularity of solutions to the generalized Hunter-Saxton system (with J. Choi, N. Krishna and N. Magill), Discrete Cont Dyn-B 24 (12) (2019), 6349-6365.
- Damped infinite energy solutions of the 3D Euler and Boussinesq equations (with W. Chen), J Differ Equations 265 (2018), 3841-3857.
- Lagrangian aspects of the axisymmetric Euler equation (with S.C. Preston), Nonlinearity 29 (2016), 1080-1095.
- A sign-changing Liouville equation (with R. Saxton), J Evol Equ 15 (2015), 847-867.
- Blow-up in stagnation-point form solutions of the inviscid 2d Boussinesq equations (with J. Wu), J Differ Equations 259 (2015), 3559-3576.
- Global estimates and blow-up criteria for the generalized Hunter-Saxton system, Discrete Cont Dyn-B 20 (2) (2015), 641-673.
- One-parameter solutions of the Euler-Arnold equation on the contactomorphism group (with S.C. Preston), Discrete Cont Dyn S 35 (5) (2015), 2123-2130.
- The role of initial curvature in solutions to the generalized inviscid Proudman-Johnson equation (with R. Saxton), Q Appl Math 73 (1) (2015), 55-91.
- Regularity of stagnation-point form solutions of the two-dimensional incompressible Euler equations, Differential and Integral Equations 28 (3-4) (2015), 239-254.
- Critical buckling loads of the perfect Hollomon's power-law columns (with D. Wei and M. Elgindi), Mech Res Commun 47 (2013), 69-76.
- Blow-up of solutions to the generalized inviscid Proudman-Johnson equation (with R. Saxton), J Math Fluid Mech 15 (3) (2013), 493-523.