Nationally Competitive Scholarships (NCS)

Each year, we assist outstanding students with applications for nationally competitive scholarships – elite opportunities open to all students nationwide. These extremely competitive scholarships are considered some of the most prestigious, merit-based awards in the country.

Receiving a nationally competitive scholarship recognizes a student’s academic and leadership potential and conveys confidence in the student’s ability to make positive contributions to his or her own field of study both nationally and internationally.

Our office is proud to be part of the Ascend Centers.

Nationally Competitive Scholarships

Are you interested in studying abroad?

How about engaging in research beyond UNG?

Maybe even teaching english abroad?

Our office is right for you!

Schedule an Appointment

2023-2024 NCS Statistics


Applications Submitted




Awarded in AY 23-24

What Does It Take?

What Do You Gain?

  • Clearer ideas about the future
  • Valuable experience when applying to graduate schools, jobs, and other scholarships
  • Framing your leadership experiences
  • Networking skills
  • Learn about other scholarships and opportunities
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