UNG team places in top 10 of poultry competition

April 30, 2018
Mercedes Fricks, Abigail Thompson, Linda Purvis, John Grier, and Cara Ann McGuire attended the 71st U.S. Poultry Foundation Ted Cameron National Poultry Judging Contest at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Article By: Staff

University of North Georgia (UNG) students placed ninth overall at the 71st U.S. Poultry Foundation Ted Cameron National Poultry Judging Contest at Louisiana State University (LSU) in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

"This is the highest we’ve placed since we started attending the competition in 2016," said Linda Purvis, a lecturer of biology at UNG.

She attributed the top 10 finish to becoming a better coach over time and recruiting students interested in poultry science.

"Students that we took have had poultry judging in high school, whether it is through 4-H or FFA," Purvis said. "And the students this year wanted to practice earlier and wanted to do well."

The UNG team placed in the top 10 in three categories: production, 10; breed selection, 9; and market products, 8. It earned the team an overall ninth-place finish.

Team members were:

  • Abigail Thompson, a junior majoring in business from Cornelia, Georgia
  • John Grier, a freshman majoring in poultry science from Lula, Georgia
  • Cara Ann McGuire, a freshman majoring in agriculture from Cleveland, Georgia
  • Mercedes Fricks, a sophomore majoring in agriculture from Winder, Georgia

Expo connects students with poultry industry

Expo connects students with poultry industry

UNG students had almost 100 interviews with employers at the International Production & Processing Expo. Their Agriscience and Business Club also took second place for Club of the Year.