Red Cross awards UNG student for life-saving action

July 24, 2018
The American Red Cross of Augusta gave University of North Georgia student Kele Howerton the Water Rescue Hero award June 19 at the seventh annual Heroes Breakfast in Augusta, Georgia. The rising senior majoring in information systems at UNG helped rescue an unidentified man from drowning in the Rhine River near Strasbourg, France, while on her study abroad program in July 2017.

Article By: Staff

Kele Howerton doesn't believe she is a hero, but the American Red Cross does.

The organization that helps residents prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies recognized the University of North Georgia (UNG) student for her life-saving action. The American Red Cross of Augusta bestowed on Howerton the Water Rescue Hero award June 19 at the seventh annual Heroes Breakfast in Augusta, Georgia.

The rising senior majoring in information systems at UNG helped rescue an unidentified man from drowning in the Rhine River near Strasbourg, France, while on her study abroad program in July 2017.

"I was just there at the right place at the right time but I’m definitely appreciative of the award," Howerton told the Augusta Chronicle on the day of the awards' breakfast.

Last fall, UNG's Department of Public Safety recognized Howerton for her efforts. At that time she modestly accepted the award.

"I didn't think of it as such a heroic move," she said last fall. "I thought of it as something you should do, something anybody should do."

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