Student Disability Services staffer publishes mystery novel

January 8, 2020
Rachel Pinder has published "Lost at 90 Miles Per Hour," a young adult mystery and suspense book.

Article By: Clark Leonard

Rachel Pinder, assistant director of Student Disability Services on the University of North Georgia's (UNG) Oconee Campus, has published a young adult mystery and suspense book.

"Lost at 90 Miles Per Hour" centers on a 14-year-old girl who wants to get a picture of a popular Hollywood actor to post on social media and ends up being kidnapped. The book is available on Amazon.

Pinder said it was about a three-year process to write the book.

"I've always wanted to write a book. I love reading and got my Bachelor of Arts in English literature. But I always pushed it off for one reason or another," she said. "Then one day I got this idea for a mystery: Two sisters board a train and one of them disappears. I knew that they stumbled on something that they were unaware of. But it took a lot of plotting and revising to really get the story down."

As a member of a book club and a writers group in the Athens area, Pinder has already begun work on another book.

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