Virtual Nighthawk Preview offers high school students info on all five UNG campuses

September 16, 2020
A virtual Nighthawk Preview event on Oct. 10 will help prospective students learn about all five UNG campuses.

Article By: Clark Leonard

The University of North Georgia (UNG) is offering an innovative approach for its Nighthawk Preview open house event starting at 10 a.m. Oct. 10.

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the free virtual event will allow prospective students and their families to learn about all five of UNG's campuses. Registration is available on the Nighthawk Preview website.

Traditionally, the Nighthawk Preview events were held on each campus. Now, those interested in learning more about UNG will hear about the Blue Ridge, Cumming, Dahlonega, Gainesville and Oconee campuses virtually through Zoom.

"We're trying to provide prospective students and their families the most opportunities possible to see what UNG offers," said Nathan Rice, associate director of admissions for recruiting. "While we're disappointed we can't welcome guests to campus for the Nighthawk Preview this fall, we're excited to showcase all five of our campuses in one setting."

The Nighthawk Preview will include a live panel at 11:40 a.m. for high school students to hear from current UNG students about their experience and submit questions to be answered.

"More than ever, students want an authentic viewpoint of what UNG is like," Rice said. "Their high school experience has been disrupted and changed, and they are curious what that looks like on the college side."

One of those who will share their UNG experience is Noah Bryant, a senior from Cumming, Georgia, pursuing a degree in history and a minor in anthropology. He has spent time as a student on the Cumming and Gainesville campuses. He appreciated the small-campus feel in Cumming.

"It makes it easier to get involved and figure out how college works," Bryant said.

Even moving to the Gainesville Campus, which has the largest number of students among UNG's campuses, Bryant didn't see his class sizes change much. That provides easier access to faculty than students might have at larger universities.

"They want students to succeed," Bryant said. "They're very open to helping."

Prospective students will hear about admissions, student involvement, financial aid, student services, and more in live sessions offered in English and Spanish from 10 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. The live student panel will also be in English and Spanish.

The open house event will also offer a "university showcase" from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. where prospective students will be able to drop into different Zoom rooms to hear from a selection of faculty, staff, and students to learn more about specific programs. In addition to the live presentations and showcase, there will be several prerecorded presentations for guests to learn more about the offerings at UNG.

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