Connie Ringger, Ph.D.

Area(s) of Expertise: Human sexuality and Psychology & the Law
Dr. Ringger's research interests are in human sexuality and in psychology and the law. Her current research focuses on juror decision-making, particularly as it affects gender and sexual minorities. She is also open to considering projects that are student-driven.
Courses Taught
- Introduction to Psychology
- Quantitative Methods
- Social Psychology
- Human Sexuality
- Industrial Organizational Psychology
- Psychology and the Law
- Ph.D., Industrial-Organizational Psychology, The Ohio State University
- M.A., Industrial-Organizational Psychology, The Ohio State University
- B.A., Hendrix College
Research/Special Interests
- Juror Decision-Making
- Human Sexuality, particularly Gender and Sexual Diversity
Asterisks indicate undergraduate co-presenters.
Beaulieu, A.* & Ringger, C. (2023, April 5-8). The influence of pornography and current moral values on moral disengagement [Poster presentation]. Southeastern Psychological Association Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Maltos, L.*, Childers, K.*, Porras, A.*, & Ringger, C. (2022, March 23-26). Gender identity and face typicality: How race and political ideology shape attitudes and perceptions of transgender individuals [Poster presentation]. Southeastern Psychological Association Conference, Hilton Head, GA.
Ringger, C. S. (2021). Attitudinal predictors of juror decisions on gender and sexual minority defendants. Journal of Homosexuality, 68, 2047-2074. doi:10.1080/00918369.2020.1717839
Porras, A.*, Wlosko, K.*, & Ringger, C.S. (2020, July 23; Oct 23-24). Juror decision-making: Race and gender orientations. Faculty Undergraduate Summer Engagement (FUSE) [Poster presentation], Virtual; and Georgia Undergraduate Research Conference [Poster presentation], Virtual.
Henderson, C.*, & Ringger, C.S. (2019, March 20-23). Measuring attitudes towards transgender individuals [Poster presentation]. Southeastern Psychological Association conference, Jacksonville, FL.
Tatum, J.*, Ralston, S.*, & Ringger, C.S. (2018, March 6-9). The effects of a bromance: Homosocial relationships and sexual orientation based prejudice [Poster presentation]. Southeastern Psychological Association Conference, Charleston, SC.