Accommodation Information for Faculty

Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability by all services, programs and activities made available by public entities. Failure to provide accommodations for which a student is eligible is considered discrimination under the law.

How Are Accommodations Determined?

The Regents Center for Learning Disorders determines the appropriate accommodations for students with disabilities that impact learning. Decisions on accommodations are based on supporting documentation that meets criteria set forth by the Board of Regents.

Instructor Notification

Students determine if and when they will use their accommodations. All eligible students who plan to use their accommodations in a course must provide the instructor with a current Accommodation Notification from Student Accessibility Services (SAS).

Instructors are not required to provide accommodations for a student who has not provided an Accommodation Notification. However, if a student discloses a disability, the instructor will refer the student to SAS to discuss procedures and potential accommodations. Students are expected to meet with instructors in private outside of class time to review the accommodations listed on the Accommodation Notification. The instructor keeps a copy of the Accommodation Notification for reference.

SAS notifies instructors as far in advance as possible if they will have a student who is deaf or hard of hearing in class. Students who are deaf or hard of hearing will generally have closed captions (captions on videos used in the course) as an accommodation, and may also have a C-Print Captionist or Sign Language Interpreter in class.

SAS notifies instructors as far in advance as possible if they will have a student who is blind or visually impaired in class. SAS will work with the instructor and the student to obtain materials in braille, digital, or large print format.

Communication - Ensure Responsiveness and Confidentiality:

Instructors are receptive to students who approach them about accommodations. It is appropriate to ask how to provide an accommodation, but not why an accommodation is needed. Questions about the appropriateness of an accommodation are directed to SAS.

Information pertaining to a student's disability or accommodations is confidential by law. Instructors must discuss accommodations in private, where other students cannot overhear. Avoid identifying a student as having a disability to others without written permission of the student shred accommodation paperwork after finals each semester.

Note Taking Support:

Students requiring note-taker assistance will register on

Once the student has registered a request for a note-taker, the instructor will be notified via email. The instructor will make the announcement to the class that a note taker is needed. The volunteer note taker must register via

If a note taker does not volunteer, then Student Accessibility Services will make an announcement in the classroom.

Accessible Course Content:

Instructors are reminded to insure that all course content is accessible for every student. For information on locating, purchasing, or having captions added to videos or internet clips, refer to Access to Course Content: Guidelines for Captioning Audiovisuals.

Physical Access:

SAS will arrange for adapted furniture to be in the classroom, as needed, for students who require this accommodation. The instructor will communicate with the student to insure that the classroom set up does not interfere with access. Instructors include a statement in the syllabus for each course inviting students who will require accommodations to meet with them, and encouraging students who cannot access course content to contact them. For sample statements, contact CTLL and/or SAS. In the event of an instructor's absence, the substitute instructor is informed of student accommodations that may be utilized during class. For example, as an accommodation, a student may occasionally leave the room during lecture (often due to a medical condition).

The Director or Assistant Director of SAS welcomes the opportunity to discuss course-specific concerns (such as accommodations during labs, pop quizzes, internships, or study abroad opportunities) at departmental meetings.

Instructor Role in Testing Accommodation

Gainesville Campus - Students may take tests with accommodations in the SAS testing rooms.
Dahlonega and Oconee Campuses - Tests with accommodations are administered through the Testing Center.
Cumming Campus - A room is designated for testing with accommodations. Tests are coordinated by the Gainesville Campus Test Facilitator in collaboration with Cumming staff. Test Delivery and Return
Instructors are encouraged to use the online Test Referral form. The Testing Referral Form is located in My UNG under Forms & Requests, Student Accessibility Services. It can also be found on the SAS website under Faculty and Staff Information.
Tests must be received prior to the day of the test to allow time to make it compatible with the appropriate assistive technology.

Contact SAS with questions about Technical Standards and/or Specific Accommodations.

Accommodations and Student Behavior

Because accommodations are a legal right and not a privilege, they are not contingent on behavior, and cannot be withheld. Instructors address violations of the Student Code of Conduct by students with disabilities as they would address similar violations for other students.

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