Student Accessibility Services

CART is word-for-word speech-to-text translation provided on scene in just about any venue. It can be delivered on location or remotely. The text produced by the CART service can be displayed on an individual's computer monitor, projected onto a screen, combined with a video presentation to appear as captions, or otherwise made available using other transmission and display systems.

To request for Communication Access Real-Time Translation (CART) for your event, please follow the instructions below:

  • Please select this service under the audio visual section of the event request system.
  • Please answer all questions required.
  • Submit your request.

Your submitted request will be routed to the SAS office.

Our office will submit your request to an outside vendor (EduCaption) which provides Special Event CART services.

They will be given the information directly from your request, so please make sure to add your contact name and number.

You will receive instructions once your request has been forwarded to EduCaption.

Note: Any changes made to the original event request that effect CART (time, date, location, etc.) must be forwarded to SAS.

Payment processing for CART services will be processed through the Student Accessibility Services office.

CART service hours will be charged at the rate of $95.00 per hour. Please make sure to keep in contact with EduCaption to avoid unnecessary charges.

Student Accessibility Services will only pay for CART services for students and general public events.  Events that are for faculty/staff will be the responsibility of the department that ordered the service!

Your department accepts any charges/fees required by EduCaption if less than 24 hours advance notice is given to Student Accessibility Services or EduCaption for cancellation of services.

Please include this statement on all handouts, brochures, etc., for your event. “If you have a disability and require accommodations, please contact Student Accessibility Services at 678-717- 3855 at least one week prior to the event.”

Establishing Connection...