Nick Arko
Are you concerned about finding a job? Learn from Nick's success story...
What kinds of things did you do while in college to prepare you for your professional life after college, or to make yourself more marketable?
Taking advantage of various internships and other invaluable experiences along the way granted me with a definitive idea of which direction I wanted to go upon graduation. Once I decided I wanted to work for an early-stage tech startup, I then took it upon myself to learn as much as I could about what makes an early venture grow into a successful company and how I could fit into that equation.
How did you hear about (or find) your current position?
I learned about career opportunities at SalesLoft by attending an entrepreneur meet-up event hosted by Atlanta Tech Village. During my very first attendance, I watched our CEO captivate an audience of more than 600 entrepreneurs and investors with his introduction of a new flagship product. I then decided that that was where I wanted to begin my career.
What advice would you like to give to current students to help prepare them for careers and/or the job search after college?
Stay focused on where you want to be after graduation and take advantage of every possible opportunity to reach that end.

Sales Development