Grady Colson

Psychology Major - AmeriTherapy Services

How did you hear about your internship?

I was home for Thanksgiving and overheard my aunt talking about her kids attending a facility for occupational therapy in Valdosta. I’m graduating December 2024, and to get into any Occupational Therapy graduate program, I needed shadowing hours to put on my resume. I decided to test my luck and stop by one day to ask for a potential interview to intern there summer of 2024. They accepted my interview request but stated that they only accept two interns per year, and that they already had one. I had two interviews, one over the phone, and one in-person. I had to have done well because a few months after my interviews, they reached out and told me that I was accepted into their program. I started June 3rd, and work with them 24 hours a week, watching and learning the everyday responsibilities of an Occupational Therapist.

What has been the most valuable (or favorite) part of the experience?

My favorite parts of this internship are the children that I work with on a day-to-day basis. A lot of them don’t have the skills required to thrive in the world, and it makes me feel good to be there for them. Seeing their constant progress makes me feel like I’m making a difference in the world. There’s a little girl with down syndrome that I work with, and she is the sweetest person you will ever meet. She always comes in with a smile, and she always wants me to do every activity with her. Last week we made smoothies together, and her mom had mentioned that that moment was her topic of interest all week. It is truly heartwarming to see the physical differences that are made in these children’s lives.

How will this help you in the future?

This internship will help me by providing the resources needed to pursue a doctoral degree in Occupational Therapy. Most graduate programs will require at least 90 shadowing hours to even be acknowledged as a potential future student, and after this internship, I will have 190+ hours under my name. Another thing that I’ve learned are what graduate schools are accessible to me as a resident of Georgia, as well as what each has to offer. There are many great schools that offer amazing programs, but there are only six where I can get away from paying out of state tuition. Had I not taken this internship, I would’ve only been limited to three schools. This has been an amazing opportunity for me, and everything about it, whether it be critical thinking skills or scholarly skills, will help me pursue a better future.

grady colson