Two education faculty discuss book on FreshEd podcast

September 9, 2020
University of North Georgia (UNG) faculty members Dr. T. Jameson Brewer and Dr. Kelly L. McFaden recently discussed their book on the weekly podcast "FreshEd with Will Brehm."

Article By: Staff

University of North Georgia (UNG) faculty members Dr. T. Jameson Brewer and Dr. Kelly L. McFaden recently discussed their book on the weekly podcast "FreshEd with Will Brehm." The show touts that it "makes complex ideas in educational research easily understood."

Brewer, assistant professor of social foundations of education, and McFaden, professor of social foundations of education, co-edited the book "Teach For All Counter-Narratives: International perspectives on a global reform movement," with University of Georgia professor Kathleen deMarrais. Published in February 2020, the book looks at Teach for All and the global education reform movement of privatization, providing space for former participants and others to share their experiences.

Brewer said Brehm asked critical and thought-provoking questions during the half-hour conversation broadcast online. McFaden, head of the Department of Culture, Language & Leadership, said the interview allowed for an open dialogue versus one only seeking soundbites.

"It was a long conversation that felt friendly," said McFaden, who is pleased the book is getting more notice. "It's important that the experiences of the contributors be viewed outside of the small circle of academe."

The podcast is available online.

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