Universal Design for Faculty and Students with Disabilities

Incorporating Universal Design to Reach All Students

Universal Design enhances the accessibility of courses for all students by creating and utilizing products or materials that can be used by everyone, regardless of their age, ability or status in life. Universal Design in the classroom embraces three basic principles.

  • Providing multiple means of representation, the “what”
  • Providing multiple means of action the “how”
  • Providing multiple means of engagement, the “why”


In your syllabus, include a statement such as, “If you are a student with disability and need accommodations, you are welcome to meet with me to discuss arrangements for the accommodations. University of North Georgia is committed to equal access to its programs, services, and activities. Student who require accommodations and services must register with Student Accessibility Services (SAS) and submit supporting documentation.”


Before the course begins, be clear about expectations. Once accommodations are provided, expect students with disabilities to perform at a level commensurate with their peers. Students with disabilities are subject to the same code of conduct requirements and consequences as all UNG students. However, as issues related to disability and/or medical treatment can sometimes explain a change in behavior, feel free to consult with SAS. Please also be aware that accommodations are a legal right, and cannot be withheld as a consequence of behavior.

Communicate effectively with teaching assistants (and anyone who may teach your class in your absence) about student accommodations that may be used in the classroom. For example, a student may have the Classroom Allowances accommodation to leave as needed during lecture, which is often for a medical condition. This could cause embarrassment if the professor knowingly confronts the student. Please note that it is not necessary to identify the student who may use the accommodation in your absence.

Flexible Curriculum

Choose textbooks and other curriculum materials that address the need of students with diverse abilities, interests, learning styles, preferences, and other characteristics. Use materials that are well organized, emphasize important points, provide references for gaining background knowledge, and have chapter outlines, study questions, and practice exercises.

Put Learning in Context

Incorporate multiple examples and perspectives to make specific concepts relevant to individuals with diverse characteristics such as age, ability, gender, ethnicity, race, socioeconomic status, and interests.

Provide cognitive supports:

  • Start each lecture with an outline of material to be covered during the class. At the conclusion, briefly summarize key points.
  • Present new or technical vocabulary in advance, and use terms in context to convey greater meaning. Give examples and non-examples.
  • Provide study questions in advance for exams. Choose ones that illustrate the format, as well as the content, of the test. Explain what constitutes a good answer and why.
  • Provide adequate opportunities for questions and answers, including review sessions.

Use Multiple Modes to Deliver Content

Give directions in a clear and concise manner using a variety of methods, including written and spoken words. Provide a variety of learning opportunities, including fieldwork, online assignments, hands-on exercises, small group discussions, and collaborative learning.

Accessible Course Content

Instructors are reminded to ensure that all course content is accessible for every student. For information on locating, purchasing captioned media, or having captions added to videos or internet clips, refer to 10 Tips for Creating Accessible Course Content.

It is important to select textbooks, reading assignments and audiovisuals well in advance for students who use alternate formats. SAS obtains classroom materials in digital, Braille and large print formats, but this takes time.

Resources are available to caption videos, but advance notice must be provided. All new purchases of classroom media must be accessible.

Whenever possible, plan early to allow all students the opportunity for internships, study abroad experiences, and other out-of-classroom opportunities. Consult with SAS as early as possible so that additional accommodation needs can be considered and addressed.

On-Line Course Content

On-line course content must also be accessible. Access is also a key issue for the increasing number of traditional classes that have at least some course content online. Contact Distance Education and Technology Integration for questions pertaining to online instruction.