4.1.4 Administrative Department & Other Home Page Templates

Large Impact Image or Random Image from Set
Choose an image that shows the activity of the department. Use people from the department - no clip art. A photo shoot for the department can also be considered. You can also choose to have an image from a pre-selected group randomly inserted here each time the page is published.

Department/Unit Description
A brief paragraph of conversational and audience focused text that speaks to ‘You’. What does your department offer to students, faculty, staff and possibly, the community-at-large. Avoid institutional slang and acronyms, speak common English. Seed your paragraph with those words you think people will search with to find your department page. Approximate size: 800 characters

Clear Calls to Action
What do you want prospective students to do once they are on the home page? Give site visitors a clear path to the actions you want them to complete and/or the key information you want them to find.