Creating Short URLs

If you need a short URL (Uniform Resource Locator) for a web page for publicity, you have some options:

goUNG URL Shortener

The URL shortening service allows you to create short URLS for any page within the following domains:


You do have the ability to log back in to goUNG after you have successfully created a custom URL and change the destination of the URL, so plan wisely and you will be able to use a custom URL for years to come.

goUNG Random URLs

Without needing to log in, you can generate a random three character URL for any page on those domains. Simply paste the destination URL in the text box on the goUNG site, select the 'Generate goUNG' button, and you will be given the new short URL.

Random URL Example was randomly generated to redirect to this page:

goUNG Custom URLs

Custom short URLs are will be submitted for approval. This is to avoid conflicts and keep short-form URLs meaningful, relevant, and within the best interests of the university. Custom URLs should meet the following guidelines:

  • Should accurately and distinctly describe the destination of the link
  • Should be easy to remember, use, & share 
  • Should not cause confusion with the name of another university unit or service
  • Should not be so generic that others could request the same  (e.g.
  • Should not be used for testing purposes - use a randomly generated URL for that
  • Should not contain any sublevels, i.e.,

Custom URL Example was created and approved to redirect to this page: 

UNG Building/Map URLs

Please note, we have already created friendly URLs for buildings on our campuses and for our degrees and programs