Opt-in Channels

What are opt-in channels?
Opt-in channels are a feature of the UNG Mobile app that allow UNG departments/units to send messages to users that have “opted-in” or chosen to receive messages from the channel.

Do users need to opt-in to read messages?
No, all users of the UNG Mobile app can opt-in to any opt-in channel within the app. If the user does not opt-in to a channel, they will not receive a push notification, but can still read the message in the message center in the app.

What are PUSH notifications?
PUSH notifications are messages that are delivered to a smartphone. An alert or notification is sent to the smartphone even when the user isn’t using the app.

Most opt-in channels will send PUSH notifications with each message that is created.


Opt-in Channel Guidelines

We currently have a limited number of channels available to the university. To maximize the use of our channels, we have developed the following guidelines.

Frequency of Updates
Channel administrators should send a message at least once every 4 weeks to maintain communication and use. After 4 weeks of inactivity, the unit will be notified. If, after an additional 2 weeks, the channel administrator hasn’t sent a message, the channel will be removed.

This does not include channels that are approved for a specific event or function, such as commencement. These channels are expected to send at least one message per event cycle.

Message Content
Message content should be professional and comply with University policies and applicable laws and regulations.

Guideline Changes
The Division of Strategic Communications & Marketing reserves the right to update or make exceptions to these guidelines. All administrators of the opt-in channels will be notified when or if changes occur.

Interested in a channel?

Submit a request for your department/unit's own opt-in channel!

Sample PUSH Notification


Sample Message