Undeclared with Education Focus Advising Tools

UNG's College of Education provides hands-on learning and teaching experiences. Immerse yourself in your chosen subject matter area of English, Science, History, Math, Health & Physical Education, Music, and Art.

Advisor Information

OfficeOfficeUniversity Center 400, 242, Cumming
Name NameBeth CollinsProfile page Email
PhonePhone Number470-239-3128
OfficeOfficeAdministration Building, 202, Oconee
Name NameSamantha HarperProfile page Email
PhonePhone Number706-310-6412
OfficeOfficeChestatee Building, 162, Dahlonega
Name NameAngie VanSickleProfile page Email
PhonePhone Number706-867-2531
OfficeOfficeStudent Center, 134, Gainesville
Name NameMelissa WoodallProfile page Email
PhonePhone Number678-717-3440
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