Stephanie Rountree, Ph.D.

Stephanie Rountree

Associate Professor of English


Office locationStudent Resource Center, 586, Oconee

Area(s) of Expertise: American literature and media, gender studies, southern studies


Stephanie Rountree is a teacher and scholar of American literature and media with expertise in gender studies and southern studies. Her scholarship focuses on the diverse, embodied experiences of people who live in, come from, and pass through the U.S. South. Most importantly, her teaching and research privileges the inherent dignity of humanity across identities and backgrounds.

Together with Lisa Hinrichsen and Gina Caison, Dr. Rountree is co-editor of two collections: Small-Screen Souths: Region, Identity, and the Cultural Politics of Television (LSU Press, 2017) and Regional Remediation: New Media and the U.S. South (LSU Press, 2021). Her research has also appeared in south, Mississippi Quarterly, Word and Text, Ethos, Southern Spaces, Carson McCullers in the Twenty First Century (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), The Routledge Companion to Literature of the U.S. South (2022), and Faulkner and Slavery (UP of Mississippi, 2021).

Dr. Rountree’s current monograph project, American Anteliberalism, examines literature to illustrate a post-Emancipation history of U.S. public health policy as it has regulated the bodies of American citizens and subjects in support of capitalism.  

Courses Taught

English 1101 – First Year Composition I
English 1102 – First Year Composition II
English 2132 – American Literature II (After 1865)
English 2140 – Gender and Literature
English 3230/6230 - The Novel


  • Ph.D., English, American Literature, Georgia State University, 2017
  • M.A., English, University of North Florida, 2010
  • B.A., English, Creative Writing, Florida State University, 2005

Research/Special Interests

  • U.S. literature after 1865
  • U.S. media: television, film, new media
  • Gender studies, feminist and queer theory
  • Studies in the U.S. South
  • Critical race studies
  • Disability studies


Full-Length Works

American Anteliberalism: Literatures of Enslavement and Public Health (monograph in process).

Remediating Region: New Media and the U.S. South, Co-edited with Gina Caison and Lisa Hinrichsen, LSU Press, 2021

Small-Screen Souths: Region, Identity, and the Cultural Politics of Television. Louisiana State UP, Co-Editor with Lisa Hinrichsen and Gina Caison, 2017.

Blast South: Manifestos of Southern Vorticism. Special Roundtable, Mississippi Quarterly 68.1-2 (Winter-Spring 2015), July 2017, 5-42. Lead Curator and Introduction Co-Author.

Journal Articles

“‘Beer, Prayer and Nellydrama’: (Im)Possibilities in Max Vernon’s The View UpStairs,” Queer Intersections series of Southern Spaces, series editor Eric Solomon, 21 January 2022,

“Southern Confection: Toward a Rubric of Anteliberalism.” Mississippi Quarterly 68.1-2 (Winter-Spring 2015), published July 2017, 12-15. Special Roundtable Blast South: Manifestos of Southern Vorticism.

“‘[V]isible, unfamiliar, remarkable’: Private Bodies and Public Policy in Eudora Welty’s Losing Battles (1970).” south: a scholarly journal 48.2, Fall 2016, 225-245.

“Does the Subaltern Speak?: Reimagining Hurricane Katrina in Beasts of the Southern Wild (2012).” Ethos: A Digital Review of Arts, Humanities, and Public Ethics 2.2, Oct. 2015, 4-18.

“Poop, Pie, & Politics in The Help: Rescuing the (Literary) Body from Political Obsolescence.” Word and Text: A Journal of Literary Studies and Linguistics 3.2, 2013, 59-71.

Book Chapters

“Television (Spotlight: Ava DuVernay, Queen Sugar),” invited contributor, Routledge Companion to the Literature of the U.S. South, edited by Todd Hagstette, Katharine A. Burnett, and Monica Miller, Routledge, 2022, 249-253.

“A Literary Genealogy of ‘Slavery’s Capitalism’ in Chesnutt and Faulkner.” Faulkner and Slavery, "UP of Mississippi", 2022, 155-172.

“An ‘archaeology of [narrative] silence’: Cognitive Segregation and Productive Citizenship in McCullers’s The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter (1940).” Carson McCullers in the Twenty-First Century, Palgrave Macmillan, Edited by Alison Graham-Bertolini and Casey Kayser, 2016, 189-208.

“Into Culture: Research and Writing Beyond the Classroom.” Georgia State University’s Guide to First-Year Writing 3rd and 4th Editions, Revised and Expanded with Co-Author Jennifer Vala, Fountainhead P, 2014 and 2015, 307-353 and 329-376.

“Writing through Culture.” Georgia State University’s Guide to First-Year Writing 2nd Edition, Co-Author with Jennifer Vala, Fountainhead P, 2013, 161-182.

Publications in the Discipline

“Scholar Story: Stephanie Rountree.” Interview with the National Center for Institutional Diversity, University of Michigan, Dec. 2017,

A Tyrannous Eye: Eudora Welty’s Nonfiction and Photographs with Pearl McHaney.” SAMLA News 35, 2015, 5.

“Emerging Scholars Organization.” Society for the Study of Southern Literature Newsletter 48.1, May 2014.

“SAMLA 84 Professional Development Seminar: The Paper: Academic Publications, Journal Writing, and Publication.” SAMLA News 33, 2013, 9.

Work Experience

  • Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow, Auburn University, 2017-2018
  • Instructor, Georgia State University, 2012-2016
  • Course Facilitator, Goizueta Business School, Emory University, 2013-2014