About UNG Press

The University of North Georgia (UNG) Press is a department under the Office of Academic Affairs at the University of North Georgia. Our offices are located right off Dahlonega’s Historic Square, on the third floor of the Downtown Office Building, across from the Holly Theatre.

UNG Press Statement on Artificial Intelligence

Publishing practices are ever-evolving, as are the technologies available to authors and publishers alike. With this comes the consideration and integration of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies.

At the UNG Press, we believe AI offers the potential to augment our endeavors. We do not believe in using AI to replace human intellectual and/or creative capacities, but rather complement them to better achieve our mission. This includes using AI models, which align with our ethics in terms of their training practices and protections of human intellectual/creative properties. To ensure this, we model our AI-integration practices on the Human Artistry Campaign’s AI Best Practices:

  1. Technology has long empowered human expression, and AI will be no different.
  2. Human-created works will continue to play an essential role in our lives. 
  3. Use of copyrighted works, and use of the voices and likenesses of professional performers, requires authorization, licensing, and compliance with all relevant state and federal laws.
  4. Governments should not create new copyright or other IP exemptions that allow AI developers to exploit creators without permission or compensation.
  5. Copyright should only protect the unique value of human intellectual creativity.
  6. Trustworthiness and transparency are essential to the success of AI and protection of creators. 
  7. Creators’ interests must be represented in policymaking.

We support our authors, publishing partners, and other human collaborations above all else, and we expect those working with us to respect these standards for the ethical use of AI. As the Publishers Association states: “Human creativity is the bedrock of the publishing and wider creative industries.”

Regarding AI’s sustainability, protection of human creative/intellectual properties, and accepted ethics of use, our policies are subject to change as these technologies advance.

Contact Information

We would love to hear from you and welcome your comments. You can contact us in several ways:

Email Phone Location Office Hours Mail
Email ungpress@ung.edu Phone


Location Downtown Office Building, Suite 337 Office Hours

Monday - Thursday:
8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.


University of North Georgia Press
University of North Georgia
P.O. Box 5032
Dahlonega, GA  30597

Ariana Adams
Ariana Adams

Assistant Managing Editor

Office location Dahlonega

Corey Parson
Corey ParsonProfile page

Managing Editor


Office locationChestatee Building, 385, Dahlonega

Bonnie(BJ) Robinson
Bonnie(BJ) RobinsonProfile page

Director, UNG Press


Office locationDowntown Office Building, 338, Dahlonega