Spanish & Portuguese Courses
Spanish Course Recommendations
Not sure which Spanish course you should take? Download the Spanish Advising Flow Chart (PDF).
- SPAN 1001Elementary Spanish I
- SPAN 1002Elementary Spanish II
- SPAN 2001Intermediate Spanish I
- SPAN 2002Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN 1001Elementary Spanish I
SPAN 1001: Elementary Spanish I
4 credit hours
- This class is for true beginners and those who have had minimal exposure to Spanish.
- Not suitable for native or heritage speakers.
- Not open to those with credit of SPAN 1002 or higher.
- Upon completion of this course, students can describe themselves, others, and family members; tell time; express numbers and the weather; and describe their favorite activities in the present and present progressive tenses.
Experience Required
- 0-1 year of high school Spanish (equivalent of Spanish I) within the last 2-3 years
SPAN 1002Elementary Spanish II
SPAN 1002: Elementary Spanish II
4 credit hours
- Continued listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Spanish and to the cultures of Spanish-speaking regions.
- Not suitable to native or heritage speakers.
- Not open to those with credit in SPAN 2001 or higher.
- Upon completion of this course, students can express their daily routines; elaborate on medical situations; and talk about holidays, their favorite foods, and completing errands in both the present and the past.
Experience Required
- 1-2 years of high school Spanish (equivalent of Spanish II) within the last 2-3 years
SPAN 2001Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 2001: Intermediate Spanish I
3 credit hours
- An elevated approach to listening, speaking, reading, and writing about the cultures of the Spanish-speaking world.
- Not suitable to native or heritage speakers.
- Not open to those with credit in SPAN 2002 or higher.
- Upon completion of this course, students can talk about personal relationships; favorite pastimes; common chores; health-related matters; and traveling and nature in the present, past, future, and conditional tenses. Students can also give formal and informal commands and use the subjunctive when necessary. Students can write in full paragraphs.
Experience Required
- 2-3 years of high school Spanish (equivalent of Spanish III) within the last 2-3 years
SPAN 2002Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN 2002: Intermediate Spanish II
3 credit hours
- Continued listening, speaking, reading and writing about the cultures of the Spanish-speaking world at the intermediate level.
- Not open to those with credit above SPAN 2002.
- Upon completion of this course, students can talk about technology; the economy; media; literature and art; and religion and politics in the present, past, future and conditional tenses, as well as all forms of the subjunctive and all compound tenses. Students can write short essays.
Experience Required
- 3-4 years of high school Spanish (equivalent of Spanish IV) within the last 2-3 years
Introduction to listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Spanish and to the culture of Spanish-speaking regions. This course meets three (3) hours per week in the classroom and requires at least one (1) additional hour per week of online and/or language laboratory instruction.
Not open to students who have credit in SPAN 1002 or higher or to native speakers
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An intensive course introducing vocabulary and basic grammatical structures through contextualized, task-based and content-based exercises. Classroom instruction is conducted solely in Spanish and consists of interactive, collaborative work with practical application in authentic situations to develop the four basic skills. For Honors Program students. Not open to native speakers.
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Continued listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Spanish and to the culture of Spanish-speaking regions. This course meets three (3) hours per week in the classroom and requires at least one (1) additional hour per week of online and/or language laboratory instruction.
Prerequisite: SPAN 1001 or departmental permission
Not open to students with credit in SPAN 2001 or higher or to native speakers
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Honors Elementary SPAN II is an enriched continuation of SPAN 1001 that focuses on skills development in speaking, listening, comprehension, reading, writing, and familiarization with aspects of the target culture. The Honors course is sometimes taught on an individualized basis or in conjunction with a regular section of SPAN 1002. The honors section fosters greater development of skills through personalized attention and specialized assignments. For enrollment in Honors classes, students must have a 3.2 college GPA, or incoming freshmen must show a combined 1100+ SAT (or 24+ ACT) and a 3.5+ high school GPA. Students must have completed any LS requirements. Note: Not open to students who have credit in SPAN 2001 or higher or to native speakers.
Prerequisite: SPAN 1001 or permission of instructor
Not open to students who have credit in SPAN 2001 or higher or to native speakers
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Accelerated 3-credit course for students with two years of Spanish in high school. This course can be taken in lieu of SPAN 1001 and 1002 or their equivalent. This oral proficiency-based course provides an intensive review of basic grammar, listening skills, speech, writing, and Hispanic culture. It builds on fundamental language skills.
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In this first course of the Heritage Language Spanish sequence the student will master the phonetics of reading in Spanish, will improve his/her vocabulary, and master the grammar of Spanish in order to write simple documents accurately and read journalistic writing with comprehension. Appropriate use will be made of applicable software and the Internet. This class will include lab work.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
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This course develops communicative proficiency for the standard medical interview, emphasizes role-play exercises and vocabulary building, and provides discussion of Hispanic cultural attitudes about health issues. Course conducted in Spanish. This course is for elective credit only and may not substitute for other 1000 or 2000-level Spanish courses.
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Continued development and reinforcement of the fundamentals of grammar, vocabulary acquisition, pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading and writing. Designed to increase linguistic and cultural proficiency through the situational use of the language and the study of authentic materials from Spanish-speaking regions. Language laboratory and online assignments. Class conducted in Spanish.
Prerequisite: SPAN 1002
Not open to students who have credit in SPAN 2002 or higher or to native speakers
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Honors Intermediate Spanish I is an enriched version of SPAN 2001. The first of two intermediate language courses presenting the fundamentals of grammar, pronunciation, conversation, reading and writing. Designed to increase proficiency in Spanish skills through study of authentic materials: dialogues, readings, writing exercises, and dictation/pronunciation drills. This course continues familiarizing students with the culture of Spanish speaking regions. Students who completed a third year of high school Spanish with a grade of A may be a candidate to take this course; students may also take a placement test to gain access. The Honors course is sometimes taught on an individualized basis or in conjunction with a regular section of SPAN 2001. The honors section is a more intensive course that will build greater development of skills through personalized attention and specialized assignments. For enrollment in Honors classes, students must have a 3.2 college GPA, or incoming freshmen must show a combined 1100+ SAT (or 24+ ACT) and a 3.5+ high school GPA. Students must have completed any LS requirements.
Prerequisite: SPAN 1002 or high school equivalent as defined above
Not open to students who have credit in SPAN 2002 or higher or to native speakers
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Continued development and reinforcement of the fundamentals of grammar, vocabulary acquisition, pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading and writing. Designed to increase linguistic and cultural proficiency through the situational use of the language and the study of authentic materials from Spanish-speaking regions. Language laboratory and online assignments. Class conducted in Spanish.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2001 or placement by the Department of Modern Languages
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Honors Intermediate Spanish II is the second of two intermediate language courses presenting the fundamentals of grammar, pronunciation, conversation, and reading and writing. This honors section will provide a more rigorous immersion into conversation and reading comprehension using real world and culturally-oriented readings to expand students' knowledge of the Spanish-speaking world. Students will have a comprehensive review of grammar designed to strengthen and consolidate earlier course work. The Honors course is sometimes taught on an individualized basis or in conjunction with a regular section of SPAN 2002. The honors section fosters greater development of scholarly potential through personalized attention and specialized assignments. For enrollment in Honors classes, students must have a 3.2 college GPA, or incoming freshmen must show a combined 1100+ SAT (or 24+ ACT) and a 3.5+ high school GPA. Students must have completed any LS requirements.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2001
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Accelerated 3-credit course for students. This course can be taken in lieu of SPAN 2001 and 2002 or their equivalent for those students who have had several years of Spanish in high school and are at the intermediate level. This oral proficiency-based course provides an intensive review of grammar, listening skills, speech, writing, and Hispanic culture. Course conducted in Spanish.
Prerequisite: SPAN 1001 and SPAN 1002, or SPAN 1006A, or placement by the Department of Modern Languages
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Study of an area of language, literature or culture not fully covered in other regular courses. Topics vary and are announced in advance. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2002, SPAN 2006A, or placement by the Department of Modern Languages
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Study of an area of language, literature or culture not fully covered in other regular courses. Topics vary and are announced in advance. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2002, SPAN 2006A, or placement by the Department of Modern Languages
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Study of an area of language, literature or culture not fully covered in other regular courses. Topics vary and are announced in advance. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2002, SPAN 2006A, or placement by the Department of Modern Languages
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Spanish Practicum courses are designed to provide students with the opportunity to use their language skills in everyday situations. Each student will choose, organize, and complete one Spanish project.
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Spanish Practicum courses are designed to provide students with the opportunity to use their language skills in everyday situations. Each student will choose, organize, and complete one Spanish project.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
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Spanish Practicum courses are designed to provide students with the opportunity to use their language skills in everyday situations. Each student will choose, organize, and complete one Spanish project.
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The study of the Spanish language and Spanish culture in a native environment. Designed especially for students in a Study Abroad Program of the University System of Georgia.
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The study of the Spanish language and Spanish culture in a native environment. Designed especially for students in a Study Abroad Program of the University System of Georgia.
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The study of the Spanish language and Spanish culture in a native environment. Designed especially for students in a Study Abroad Program of the University System of Georgia.
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Study of an area of language, literature or culture not fully covered in other regular courses. Topics vary and announced in advance. May be repeated for 1-3 credit hours for a maximum of six credits if topic is different.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2002, SPAN 2006A, or placement by the Department of Modern Languages
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A study of the civilizations, history and cultures of Spain from their origins to the present. Various subtopics include literature, the arts, politics, film, bullfighting, and the economy. Course material will be studied through the use of literary and cultural readings, films, slides, music, video, and the internet. Class conducted in Spanish.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2002, SPAN 2006A, or placement by the Department of Modern Languages
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A study of the multi-faceted cultures of Latin America, including literary, social, racial, and historical aspects. Drawing on literature, film visual arts, music and mass media, the course explores the diverse cultures, histories, and politics of Latin American countries from the pre-Hispanic period to the present. Class conducted in Spanish.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2002, SPAN 2006A, or placement by the Department of Modern Languages
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This course examines Mexican cultures by studying their ancient histories and complex societies. This class will attempt to shed light on the reasons for the lack of understanding that exists between Mexico and the United States. This course will increase student awareness of global interdependence and cultural pluralism. Class conducted in Spanish.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2002, SPAN 2006A, or placement by the Department of Modern Languages
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This course is designed to give students an understanding of the current intricacies of Peruvian Andean Cultures. Peruvian society has been transformed by the interface of Andean, Western, African and Amazonian traditions. The running themes of the course will be history, imposition of culture, cultural and intercultural manipulations, identity, representation of women, politics, food, music and literature; these will be addressed from a multidisciplinary perspective. Class conducted in Spanish.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2002 or permission of the instructor
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This course focuses on the characteristics and intercultural influences of music in selected Latin American regions and their diasporic influences in the United States. It is a journey through the social, political and cultural aspects of key musical traditions and genres in Latin-America, incorporating sound, literary, and film narratives. Class conducted in Spanish.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2002 or placement by the Department of Modern Languages
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Latin America is the continent with the largest production and trafficking of drugs in the world. This reality deeply affects the Latin American societies, economies and political institutions. On the other hand, cinema, music, television and literary fiction dealing with the issue of drug trafficking have become one of the most vibrant cultural manifestations of today´s Latin America. In this course, we will analyze the depictions of drug trafficking in Latin America and the United States, through cultural mediums such as TV series, films, novels and music. Additionally, we will study the role of anti-drug policies and their impact on Latin America. The classes will be dedicated to two dimensions: the concrete statistical and historical facts recorded by the social sciences in academic articles, and the cultural representations of that reality expressed in fictional media and in books.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2002, SPAN 2006A, or placement by the Department of Modern Languages
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This course is an introduction to concepts of Law Enforcement and cross-cultural communication. Students will learn practical legal terminology, how to handle real world and professional situations and a special awareness of the Hispanic community. Class is conducted in Spanish.
Prerequisites: SPAN 2002, SPAN 2006A, or placement by the Department of Modern Languages
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An introductory literature course that traces the development of Spanish and Spanish-American literature through the study of representative texts in the various genres. Works are examined in their cultural and historical contexts through the use of literary and cultural readings, film, music, video, and the Internet. Readings include selections from Cervantes, Rulfo, Borges, García Márquez, Unamuno, Quevedo, Darío, Mistral, García Lorca, Neruda and Octavio Paz. Class conducted in Spanish.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2002, SPAN 2006A, or placement by the Department of Modern Languages
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Survey of voices drawn from Cuban, Dominican, Mexican, Puerto Rican, and other groups of Latin American descent in the U.S. Discussion of race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, political presence, and identity formation through the examination of various genres (short stories, microfiction, autobiography, poetry, novel, film, and music). Class conducted in Spanish.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2002 or SPAN 2006A with a grade of C or higher
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Emphasis on oral proficiency. Guided conversation, realistic scenarios, vocabulary building, and free discussion prepare students for authentic communication situations. Class conducted in Spanish.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2001, SPAN 2002, SPAN 2006A, or placement by the Department of Modern Languages
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An advanced conversation course for students who have completed SPAN 2002 or the equivalent. This course continues the development of Spanish speaking and listening skills with secondary emphasis on grammar. The class will consist of discussions, oral and written activities on a variety of topics with emphasis on increasing the span of every day vocabulary and the knowledge of popular expressions.
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This course serves as an introduction to all the pertinent aspects of theater in Spanish in order to increase the student's understanding, appreciation and critical perceptions of performance texts in Spanish and the theatrical event. Class will also serve to enhance the student's oral proficiency and cultural understanding as well as studying the major theatrical trends over the centuries. Active participation in a variety of theatrical productions is required.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2002
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This course will provide students with a survey of Spanish linguistics. The class will study Spanish pronunciation (phonology), word structure (morphology), history of the language and its status today as a world language, linguistic variation among different dialects of Spanish, language attitudes, Spanish in the U.S., and language in the educational system (bilingualism). Class conducted in Spanish.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2002 or SPAN 2006A, or placement by the Department of Modern Languages.
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This course is a study of the sound system in Spanish, syllabication, the phonetic alphabet, and its use. Intensive oral practice aimed at improving orthography and pronunciation. An introduction is given to speech characteristics and dialectical differences in Peninsular and Spanish American phonology. Open to heritage and native speakers. Laboratory work will be required.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2002, SPAN 2006A, or placement by the Department of Modern Languages
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This course will serve as an introduction to theories of language acquisition with a specific focus on Spanish language learning. This course will address topics on SLA, and learning theories as students attempt to explain the hows and whys of language learning. We will frame the theories in the context of their own language learning experiences.
Prerequisites: SPAN 2001 and SPAN 2002
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This course will provide students with a descriptive overview of the linguistic characteristics of different Spanish-speaking communities in the United States. Focus will be on the context in which Spanish is used in society, contact with English, language and identity, historical context, the role of Spanish in everyday contexts, and the future of the Spanish language in the U.S. Class conducted in Spanish.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2002 or SPAN 2006A, or permission from the instructor
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An advanced study of Spanish grammar with practice in written thematic expression. Class conducted in Spanish.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2002, SPAN 2006A, or placement by the Department of Modern Languages
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This course is designed for native Spanish-speaking students who have grown up in the United States and begin or continue their formal study of Spanish. By the end of this course, students will be writing well in Spanish and speaking with an improved command of a variety of formal spoken Spanish. The primary focus of this course will be grammar and spelling. This course is specifically designed for those students who speak Spanish at home and therefore already have some proficiency in speaking the language but who, at the same time, have not yet mastered all aspects of grammar and the written language.
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This course requires students to have intermediate Spanish skills. It will provide students with the skills to analyze and review Latin American and Spanish films critically. Students will review the history of these Spanish-speaking countries and will gain cultural competency as they become aware of how language and culture are invariably intertwined. This course also studies how the Hollywood film industry contributes to shaping and promoting stereotypes of Latinos in the USA.
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An introduction to the economic and business practices of the contemporary Hispanic world, as well as a basic foundation in business terminology. Emphasis will be placed on language and culture within a Hispanic business context. Class conducted in Spanish.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2002, SPAN 2006A, or placement by the Department of Modern Languages
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A course for students who desire to expand their Spanish knowledge in the field of medicine. Provides an overview of language, grammar, and culture related specifically to medical fields, and provides oral and written opportunities to practice an active vocabulary in health related situations. Emphasis on the development of oral, listening, reading, and writing skills at the advanced level of proficiency as defined by ACTFL.
Prerequisites: ENGL 1102 with a grade of C or higher and either SPAN 2002, SPAN 2006A, or placement by the Department of Modern Languages
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This course addresses the fundamental principles and translation techniques as they apply to the medical field, business world, and advertising. The course covers aspects of translation theory and practice, and of translation as a profession which prepares students to produce Spanish ↔ English translations. Required course for the Certificate in Spanish Translation.
Prerequisites: SPAN 2002 and ENGL 1102, or permission of instructor
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This course addresses the fundamental principles and translation techniques as they apply to the legal and law enforcement field, technology realm, and sports world. The course covers aspects of translation theory and practice, and of translation as a profession which prepares students to produce Spanish ↔ English translations. Required course for the Certificate in Spanish Translation.
Prerequisites: SPAN 2002 and ENGL 1102, or permission of instructor
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This course is designed to develop skills in oral interpretation between Spanish and English through the study of language nuances and techniques in interpretation applied to various professional and informal settings. At least one other SPAN 3000 or 4000-level course is highly recommended before taking SPAN 3650.
Prerequisite: SPAN 3310
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The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the translation of literary texts. The course will study Spanish literature in chronological order and by the different literary genres as they developed in the language. Students will examine epic poetry, chronicles and legends and fables of the Middle Ages, Renaissance poetry and essays, the emergence of the novel, Baroque theater, political essays from the Enlightenment, the poetry of Romanticism, the literature of the Spanish Civil War, the Movida, terrorism, the rise of technology, social media, blogs and texting.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2001 and SPAN 2002 or SPAN 2006A, or permission from the instructor
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The study of the Spanish language and Spanish culture in a native environment. Designed especially for students in a Study Abroad Program of the University System of Georgia.
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The study of the Spanish language and Spanish culture in a native environment. Designed especially for students in a Study Abroad Program of the University System of Georgia.
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The study of the Spanish language and Spanish culture in a native environment. Designed especially for students in a Study Abroad Program of the University System of Georgia.
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Study of an area of language, literature or culture not fully covered in other regular courses. Topics vary and announced in advance. May be repeated for 1-3 credit hours for a maximum of six credits if topic is different.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2002, SPAN 2006, or placement by the Department of Modern Languages
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A study of the dominant worldviews throughout Latin America that challenge or differ from the Western perspective. This course explores the philosophical and practical aspects of notable examples of Christian mysticism, shamanism, and a selection of elements exemplary of the New Age movement. Class conducted in Spanish.
Prerequisites: Two Spanish courses at the 3000 level or higher or placement by the Department of Modern Languages
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Introductory survey of Latin American literature from pre-Columbian times to the advent of Modernism around 1885, encompassing Aztec and Mayan literature, the Chronicles, the Baroque, the Enlightenment, Romanticism, Realism, and Naturalism. Class conducted in Spanish.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2002, SPAN 2006A, or placement by the Department of Modern Languages
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Introductory survey of Latin American literature from c. 1885 to the present-encompassing Modernism, Social and Psychological Realism, the Avant-Garde, the Indigenista movement, the 'Boom' and Postmodernism. Class conducted in Spanish.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2002, SPAN 2006A, or placement by the Department of Modern Languages
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A study of selections by Latin-American and/or Spanish women writers. The course examines the evolution of their perspectives in the building of Identity, Progress, Nation and Gender from the 1500's to today. All activities, debates, and written assignments encourage the balanced and proficient development of all skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Class conducted in Spanish.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2002, SPAN 2006A, or placement by the Department of Modern Languages
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A study of selections by Spanish writers of the Golden Age by genre and in chronological order beginning with the sonnets of Garcilaso de la Vega and ending with the theatre of Calderon de la Barca. Class conducted in Spanish.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2002, SPAN 2006A, or placement by the Department of Modern Languages
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A study of works by Spanish writers from the early nineteenth century to the present, encompassing Romanticism, Realism, Naturalism, the Generations of 98 and 27, and post-war and contemporary periods. Class conducted in Spanish.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2002, SPAN 2006A, or placement by the Department of Modern Languages
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A study of peninsular Spanish writers of the twenty-first century beginning with the death of Franco and moving through the Transition, the Movida, the introduction of the Euro and the terrorist attack in Atocha that brought profound cultural changes to the country. Class conducted in Spanish.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2002, SPAN 2006A, or placement by the Department of Modern Languages
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A study of Spanish and Latin-American twenty-first century short literary and audiovisual narratives, including micro-stories, micro-movies, video clips, and movie trailers. The course will also include creative production in various brief formats. Class conducted in Spanish.
Prerequisites: SPAN 2002 or SPAN 2006A, or placement by the Department of Modern Languages
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A study of fiction, memoirs, poetry, and non-fiction from the U.S.-Mexico border, written by Chicana/o, Mexican, and U.S. writers throughout the 20th and 21st centuries. This class explores the "discovery" of the border region, Mexican-American identity, the Chicano movement, NAFTA/neoliberalism, as well as contemporary (mis)representations of the region and its people. Class conducted in Spanish.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2002, SPAN 2006A, or placement by the Department of Modern Languages
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Introductory course in creative writing in Spanish. The course will involve creative production in various forms and genres. Assignments will combine to motivate and refine students' writing. Class conducted in Spanish.
Prerequisite: Any SPAN 3000-level class with a grade of C or higher, or placement by the Department of Modern Languages
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This course will provide students with a survey of Spanish sociolinguistics which is the study of how language and social factors interact. Students will be introduced to themes such as how age, socioeconomic status, and gender influence our language; how languages vary across the Spanish-speaking world; what happens to languages that come into contact with each other; bilingualism and Spanish in the US and as a heritage language here; how our attitudes toward a speaker's language influence our perception of him or her; the relationship between language and identity; and factors influencing how policies and laws involving language are passed. Class conducted in Spanish.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2002 or SPAN 2006 or departmental permission.
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This course serves as an overview of the diachronic (across time) evolution of modern Spanish from spoken Latin. Data from phonetics/phonology and morpho-syntax will form the basis of study. Topics covered include: the development of Vulgar Latin and Proto-Romance, the Old Spanish phonological system, morpho-syntactic changes from Latin to Spanish, and the influences of contact languages on modern Spanish. The linguistic analysis of texts and the processes of language change will also figure prominently. Course taught in Spanish.
Prerequisites: SPAN 2002 or 2006 or permission of the Department of Modern Languages. SPAN 3400 is recommended.
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An advanced language course designed to increase the student's overall mastery of the language. This course will follow a holistic approach that encourages the balanced development of all skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing, with sound knowledge of advanced grammatical principles. Class discussions and activities as well as written assignments are based on topics of current interest researched by the students, literary selections, films, and the press.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2002 or SPAN 2006
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This course is a culminating experience for students pursuing the Translation Certificate. This course provides the opportunity to demonstrate the skills acquired through the courses that are part of the translation certificate and to develop a portfolio that displays all those skills for future employers. Having completed or nearly completed all the courses towards the Translation Certificate, students will create a portfolio that integrates their growth and development as translators. Student must have previously completed SPAN 3630, SPAN 3640, and at least two additional SPAN courses used to fulfill the requirements of the Translation Certificate.
Prerequisite: Departmental permission required
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The study of Spanish language and Hispanic culture in a native environment. Designed especially for students in a study abroad program of the University System of Georgia.
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The study of Spanish language and Hispanic culture in a native environment. Designed especially for students in a study abroad program of the University System of Georgia.
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The study of Spanish language and Hispanic culture in a native environment. Designed especially for students in a study abroad program of the University System of Georgia.
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The study of Spanish language and Hispanic culture in a native environment. Designed especially for students in a study abroad program of the University System of Georgia.
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The study of the Spanish language and Hispanic culture in a Native environment. Designed especially for students in the Study Abroad Program of the University System of Georgia.
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The study of the Spanish language and Hispanic culture in a Native environment. Designed especially for students in the Study Abroad Program of the University System of Georgia.
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The study of the Spanish language and Hispanic culture in a native environment. Designed especially for students in the Study Abroad Program of the University System of Georgia.
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The study of the Spanish language and Hispanic culture in a native environment. Designed especially for students in the Study Abroad Program of the University System of Georgia.
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Study of an area of language, literature or culture not fully covered in other regular courses. Topics vary and are announced in advance. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.
Prerequisite: SPAN 2002, SPAN 2006A, or placement by the Department of Modern Languages
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This course provides students with the opportunity to observe Hispanic culture, communicate daily (primarily) in Spanish to enhance the student's proficiency and work in an area related to a student's career interest. To complete this course, students must work a total of 110 hours for 3 credit hours or 220 hours for 6 credit hours in a Spanish speaking country/environment. Internship placements are subject to the approval of the Internship Coordinator.
Prerequisite: 15 hours of SPAN 3000-4000 level courses or permission from the Department of Modern Languages
3 or 6
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An elementary Spanish course for educators that provides vocabulary and basic oral communication skills that facilitate the sharing of school-related information with non-English speaking Latino students and parents in the K-12 setting.
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This course develops communicative proficiency for the standard medical interview, emphasizes role-play exercises and vocabulary building, and provides discussion of Hispanic cultural attitudes about health issues. In addition to work required of undergraduates, graduate students must demonstrate more advanced vocabulary and interview skills. Course conducted in Spanish.
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An introduction to Lusano culture and to the fundamentals of listening, speaking, reading and writing Portuguese designed for those who have never studied it before or who need a review. Active classroom use of the language. Language laboratory assignments.
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A continuation of PORT 1001 introducing new vocabulary and basic structures through contextualized, active language use. Further study of Lusano culture at the elementary level. This course will meet for three (3) hours per week in the classroom and will be supplemented with additional instruction online and in the language laboratory for the 4th credit hour. Course instruction conducted in Portuguese.
Prerequisite: PORT 1001
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Continued development and reinforcement of the fundamentals of grammar, vocabulary acquisition, pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading and writing. Designed to increase linguistic and cultural proficiency through the situational use of the language and the study of authentic materials from Brazil and Portugal. Language laboratory and online assignments. Course instruction conducted in Portuguese.
Prerequisite: PORT 1002
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Continued development and reinforcement of the fundamentals of grammar, vocabulary acquisition, pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading and writing. Designed to increase linguistic and cultural proficiency through the situational use of the language and the study of authentic materials from Brazil and Portugal. Course instruction conducted in Portuguese.
Prerequisite: PORT 2001
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A study of the multi-faceted cultures of the Portuguese speaking world, including literary, social, racial, and historical aspects. Drawing on literature, film visual arts, music and mass media, the course explores the diverse cultures, histories, and politics of Portuguese-speaking countries from the pre-Hispanic period to the present. Class conducted in Portuguese.
Prerequisite: PORT 2001 or placement by the Department of Modern Languages
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This course is an introduction to the cultural history of the Lusophone world, with particular attention to Brazil and Portugal. Students learn about the key events and the fundamental ideas and themes running through the cultures of the Lusophone world across the centuries. Class conducted in Portuguese.
Prerequisite: PORT 2002 or authorization of the professor
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This is an advanced course on Portuguese composition and grammar, designed to refine the knowledge students have of several language skills. Emphasis is on writing, with special attention to syntax and vocabulary development and usage. We will also focus on reading comprehension. Additionally, we will cover cognitively complex grammatical rules and constructions, with special attention to different varieties and registers of Portuguese.
Prerequisite: PORT 2002 or placement by the Department of Modern Languages
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This course is designed to improve pronunciation and to increase proficiency in the practical use of spoken Portuguese as well as to promote cultural competency in relation to the Portuguese-speaking world. Through in-class conversations on assigned readings, movies and spontaneous topics, debates, conversational presentations and online discussion posts, the student will have the opportunity to develop the ability to speak on a variety of topics in Portuguese in a conversational setting.
Prerequisites: PORT 2001, PORT 2002, or placement by the Department of Modern Languages
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