USG Distance Education Codes
The following information is included in the University System of Georgia, Academic Data Mart Data Element Dictionary, January 2007.
Code | Category | Description |
Code F | Category Fully at a distance | Description All or nearly all of the class sessions are delivered via technology. The course does not require students to travel to a classroom for instruction; however, it might require students to travel to a site to attend an orientation or to take exams. (This is generally equivalent to delivering more than 95 percent of sessions via technology.) |
Code P | Category Partially at a distance | Description
Technology is used to deliver more than 50 percent of class sessions, but visits to a classroom (or similar site) are required. Note: If a course is offered through two-way interactive video, then it should be coded partially at a distance because students must meet at a designated location. |
Code H | Category Hybrid | Description Technology is used to deliver 50 percent or less of class sessions, but at least one class session is replaced by technology. |
Code T | Category Technology enhanced | Description Technology is used in delivering instruction, but no class sessions are replaced by technology. |
Code Null | Category No technology | Description No technology is used in delivering instruction. |