Relationship and Family Issues

Relationships with family, intimate partners, roommates, and friends can provide emotional support that can help a student be successful in school. However, there are times when a relationship that is supposed to be supportive can cause a student stress. Here you will find resources to help you determine if you are in a healthy relationship and things you can do to promote healthy relationships.

If you determine that you are in an unhealthy relationship and you need help or if you are a victim of sexual harassment or sexual assault, reach out to Student Counseling Services to get the support that you need.

Title IX (1972) is a federal law that protects your civil rights against sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, gender based discrimination and violence on campus. Learn more about your rights from our Title IX office.

On This Page:

Are Your Relationships Healthy?

Healthy relationships allow for individuality, bring out the best in both people, and invite personal growth through negotiation, compromise and validation of the other person’s feelings and rights. We do not have the right to make another person feel threatened, scared or controlled by fearful behaviors or language.

Family Issues

Additional Self-Help Resources