Non-Traditional Adult Student Admission Requirements and Application Procedures
These requirements and instructions apply to you if you graduated (or would have graduated) from high school five or more years from the start of your intended semester of enrollment, and you have fewer than 30 transferable semester hours of college credit complete. If you have 30 or more transferable semester hours, you should apply for admission as a transfer student.
See what programs and opportunities UNG offers adult learners and veterans.
Have a Question?
Our Admissions Counselors are here to help you.
UNG’s Undergraduate Admissions Counselors are here to answer any questions you have about UNG or the application process.
Fill out where you are located to meet the UNG admissions counselor who serves your region.
Your Counselor:
Jason Chitwood
Where are you from?
Canon, Georgia
What is the best advice you can give for a student looking at colleges?
Choose a college that makes you feel comfortable. You do not have to have everything figured out before entering college but finding a positive environment where you can grow personally and academically is essential.
What is one thing you wish you knew in college that you know now?
The importance of living in the moment. I wish I had spent more time thinking about what was in front of me than what would come when I graduated. Your college years are a special time when you experience many new things and grow as a person. It's a special time in your life.
Start Your Journey
The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy, Campus Crime Statistics Act and the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 require higher education institutions to provide an annual security report and annual fire safety report that contain crime statistics and fire statistics for the three most recently completed calendar years, institutional policies or procedures for reporting crimes and current policies concerning the security of, and access to, campus facilities and residencies, as well as security considerations in the maintenance of campus facilities.
A print copy of the most recent report is available upon request, email