Annual Research Conference

The public is welcome to attend this free program.

UNG’s Annual Research Conference is an opportunity for UNG undergraduate and graduate students from all of our campuses and disciplines to showcase their research and creative activities through the use of poster sessions, performance pieces, and panel presentations.

Have an art piece you would like to present? Been working on a research project? How about a musical performance? All UNG students are welcome to share their work with the public!

For more information, contact

Submit Your Abstract for the 2025 Annual Research Conference

Friday, March 21, 2025

9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Cottrell Center, Dahlonega campus

Abstract Submission Deadline:
February 14, 2025

Abstract & Submission Information

The submission portal is now open, and we are accepting abstracts for the 30th Annual Research Conference (ARC 2025). 

After reading the abstract criteria and submission details, submit your 250-word abstract before the deadline of February 14, 2025.

Abstract Criteria

Your abstract should be 250-words and include the following information:
  • Big picture problem or topic widely debated in your field
  • Gap in the literature on this topic and how your project is filling the gap
  • Give important details covered in your paper/project
  • Your original argument

Submission Instructions

  1. Log in or create an account on the Annual Research Conference portal
  2. Select the “Start Submission” button on the front page.
  3. Select if your presentation will be an oral or poster presentation or musical/visual performance on page 1.
  4. Read and agree to the certifications and terms on page 1.
  5. Upload a Microsoft Word or PDF file of your 250-word abstract and title on page 2.
    • Remove any personal identifying information from your file (i.e. your name or your mentor’s name)
  6. Add the Metadata such as: title, abstract, discipline, keywords, mentor, and any co-applicants on page 3
  7. Agree to the digital certifications that there is no competition, then select submit on page 4.

Note: We also welcome panel proposals, where students suggest an entire panel of linked presentations and should submit individual abstracts. When submitting an abstract, students will add a comment in the “Comments to the Editor” text box on submission page 1. They should explain what panel they are part of and include fellow students’ names presenting in the same panel (e.g. I am a part of the Lost Worlds Panel and will be paneling with Jane Doe and John Doe). The conference administrators will then note to panel the accepted presentations together.

Best Presentation Prize for Completed Essays/Posters

This year, awards will be given on the basis of a student’s completed essay/poster file. Students who would like to be considered in the awards section of the conference should upload their complete essay or poster file as a discussion to their submission by March 5, 2025.

Access your submission and add the attachment as a discussion. Title the discussion “Best Presentation Award for ARC,” include text in the message, and upload the attachment as a manuscript.

Upcoming Workshops

CURCA will hold two Zoom workshops to help students prepare for the conference.

  • Abstract Workshop: February 5, 2025 at noon
  • Presentation Workshop: March 5, 2025 at noon

History of UNG’s Annual Research Conference

In 1993, North Georgia College held an event called the "Honors Day Academic Olympics". In 1996, North Georgia College was renamed North Georgia College and State University, and the honors program underwent several minor adjustments. To expand the event to include all disciplines, all campuses, and all university students (undergraduate or graduate), the event was renamed to "Annual Research Conference" from then onward.