Amber Ignatius, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Geography and Geospatial Science
Office locationArt & Technology Building, 2122,
Student Resource Center, 594,
Area(s) of Expertise: Geography and Geospatial Science
Courses Taught
- GISC 4490K Advanced Image Processing
- GISC 4350K Remote Sensing of Environment
- GISC 2203K Fundamentals of Remote Sensing
- GISC 2011/L Geographic Information Science
- GEOG 1111K Introduction to Physical Geography
- GEOG 1102 World Regional Geography
- Ph.D., Geography, University of Georgia, 2015
- M.S., Geography, Florida State University, 2009
- B.S., History and Anthropology, Florida State University, 2005
Research/Special Interests
- Geography
- Remote Sensing
- Water Resources
- Cartography
- Data Visualization
Ignatius, A.R., Purucker, T., Schaeffer, B.A., Wolfe, K., Urquhart, E.A., Smith, D. 2022. Satellite-Derived Cyanobacteria Frequency and Intensity in Headwaters & Near-Dam Reservoir Surface Waters of the Southern U.S. Submitted to Science of the Total Environment. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.153568
Ignatius, A.R., Flood, M.G. 2021. Integration of Remote Sensing & Environmental Science in Placed-Based Learning. Proceedings of the ASPRS 2021 Annual Convention, March 29 - April 2. American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Bethesda, Maryland. DOI:10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIV-M-3-2021-73-2021
Ignatius, A.R., Coleman, L., Kurimo-Beechuk, E., McDonald, J., Milligan, R., Mishra, D.R., Page, M. 2021. Water in Geospatial Higher Education: A Discussion of Lessons Learned. Proceedings of the 2021 Georgia Water Resources Conference.
Cyterski, M. Barber, C., Galvin, M., Parmar, R., Johnston, J., Smith, D., Ignatius, A.R., Prieto, L., Wolfe, K. 2020. PiSCES: Pi(scine) Stream Community Estimation System. Environmental Modelling and Software. DOI:10.1016/j.envsoft.2020.104703
Ignatius, A.R., Jones, J.W. 2018. High Resolution Water Body Mapping for SWAT Evaporative Modeling in the Upper Oconee Watershed of Georgia, USA. Hydrological Processes. DOI:10.1002/hyp.11398
Schaeffer, B.A., Bailey, S., Conmy, R., Galvin, M., Ignatius, A.R., Johnston, J.M., Parmar, R., Keith, D., Stumpf, R.P., Urquhart, E.A., Werdell, P.J., Wolfe, K., Ross, L. 2018. Mobile device application for monitoring cyanobacteria harmful algal blooms using Sentinel-3 satellite Ocean and Land Colour Instruments. Environmental Modelling and Software. DOI:10.1016/j.envsoft.2018.08.015
Sitterson, J., Knightes, C., Parmar, R., Wolfe, K., Avant, B., Ignatius, A.R., Smith, D. 2017. A Survey of Precipitation Data for Environmental Modeling. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/600/R-17/441.
Clark, J.M., Schaeffer, B.A., Darling, J.A., Urquhart, E.A., Johnston, J.M., Ignatius, A.R., Myer, M.H., Loftin, K.A., Werdell, P.J., Stumpf, R.P. 2017. Satellite Monitoring of Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Bloom Frequency in Recreational Waters and Drinking Water Sources. Ecological Indicators. Vol 80, 84-95. DOI:10.1016/j.ecolind.2017.04.046
Ignatius, A.R., Rasmussen, T.C. 2016. Small Reservoir Effects on Headwater Water Quality in the Rural-Urban Fringe, Georgia Piedmont, USA. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies. Vol 8, 145-161. DOI:10.1016/j.ejrh.2016.08.005
Ignatius, A.R., Wolfe, K., Parmar, R., Flaishans, J., Harwell, L., Yee, S., Purucker, T., Galvin, M. 2016. Interoperable Software Development for Data Discovery, Integration, and Evaluation: Human Well Being Index (HWBI) REST API. Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, Toulouse, France.
Ignatius, A.R., Jones, J.W. 2014. Small Reservoir Distribution, Rate of Construction, and Uses in the Upper and Middle Chattahoochee Basins of the Georgia Piedmont, USA, 19502010. ISPRS International Journal of GeoInformation. Vol 3(2), 460-480. DOI:10.3390/ijgi3020460
Ignatius, A.R., Stallins, T.A. 2011. Assessing Spatial Hydrological Data Integration to Characterize Geographic Trends in Small Reservoirs in the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin. Southeastern Geographer. Vol 51(3): 371-393. DOI:10.1353/sgo.2011.0028
Work Experience
- Associate Professor of Geography and Geospatial Science, University of North Georgia, Oakwood, GA, August 2017-Present
- United States Environmental Protection Agency, ORISE Postdoctoral Fellow, August 2015-August 2017 and ORISE Faculty Research Fellow, June 2018-July 2018.
- United States Geological Survey, Pathways Geographer, Summers 2011-July 2015.
- Florida Natural Areas Inventory (NatureServe), Environmental GIS Analyst Oct 2006-July 2009.
Personal Information
Amber's favorite things about working in North Georgia are running, hiking, and enjoying the beautiful southern Blue Ridge Mountains.