Before Submitting a Request
Before placing an ILL request, borrowers should search the UNG Libraries’ collections.
For Books:
Go to GIL-FIND@UNG to search for books. If you don’t find what you are looking for, try GIL Express for books from other University System of Georgia (USG) libraries. For further instructions, please visit GIL-Express.
For Articles:
Use the Find Journals A-Z tool to search for full-text periodicals.
If you confirm that the UNG Libraries do not provide access to the item you need, eligible borrowers may submit an ILL Request.
If you need help searching for materials, you can ask for reference assistance in person or contact us by email or phone.
Submitting a Request
The ILL Department uses an online system called ILLiad to process ILL requests. The ILL Department does not limit the number of requests an individual borrower may submit per day; however, depending on the overall volume of requests, ILL personnel may need to limit the number of requests from one user that are processed per day.
For All Requests
Log onto your ILLiad account to complete and submit an ILL Request Form.
Your ILLiad account login and password is the same as your UNG network login and password.
The first time you login to your ILLiad account, you will need to add your contact information, including your email address.
Citations should contain all available publication information. Please provide ISBN, ISSN, or other identification numbers if available. Please avoid abbreviations.
Please include a “Not Wanted After Date” on the ILL Request Form.
For Books, Microfilm Reels, or Microfiche
Use the Book Request Form. Include author(s), complete title, edition, publisher, place, and publication date. Provide ISBN when available. Please note if you are willing to accept any edition available.
Rubin, Susan Goldman. 2004. Art against the Odds: From Slave Quilts to Prison Paintings. New York: Crown.

For Book Chapters
Use the Article Request Form. Include the page numbers or chapter number. Provide the ISBN when available.
For Articles
Use the Article Request Form for journal and magazine articles, conference proceedings/papers, technical reports, and newspaper articles.
Include author(s), complete article and publication titles, volume/issue numbers, publisher, city and state of publication, publication date, and ISSN if known.
User email addresses must be accurate in order to receive electronic article delivery of the document. Email addresses can be updated or changed under “Change User Information” in your ILLiad account.
Kallir, Jane. “Outsider Art at a Crossroads.” Raw Vision no.43 (Summer 2003): 38-43.

After Submitting a Request
The status of your request(s) may be viewed in ILLiad under “Your Requests.”
Reasons for Delays or Cancellations
ILL requests may be delayed or cancelled for a number of reasons:
- The citation is incomplete, contains abbreviations, or contains incorrect information.
- Lending libraries are unwilling to supply the material.
- The material is new or not yet published.
- The material is in high demand.
- The item is a textbook.
- The material is rare or unique, such as an archival item or a dissertation with no circulating copy.
- The material is published in or primarily held in foreign countries.
- The request does not comply with copyright law or guidelines.
Receiving/Accessing Fulfilled Requests
Physical Items (Books, Microfilm Reels, or Microfiche):
You will receive notification via email that your item is available for check out from your primary campus library. Your Nighthawks Card or government issued photo ID is required for check out. Please note the item’s due date and any restrictions for use. Microfilm and microfiche typically may not leave the library.
Photocopied/Scanned Items:
In most cases you will receive an email notification that your item can be viewed online in your ILLiad account.
In some cases, licensing restrictions may require you to pick up a physical copy of an article. If so, you will receive an email stating that your photocopied item may be checked out at your library’s Information Desk.