Diversity in the Corps of Cadets

We value cultural, economic and ethnic diversity within the Corps of Cadets. We believe this is especially important in today's increasingly interconnected global environment. We believe that diversity gives the members of our Corps of Cadets the opportunity to interact with and understand all people. We believe this is an integral part of the leadership education that Cadets receive, and that their experience with diversity in the Corps will be of great value to them after graduation. In tomorrow's diverse environment, our graduates will be more comfortable working with people who are different than themselves.


Trevoris Jefferson

Cadet Jefferson gives a testimonial on his experiences in the Corps of Cadets at UNG.

Elizabeth Pham

Cadet Pham gives a testimonial on her experiences in the Corps of Cadets.


The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy, Campus Crime Statistics Act and the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 require higher education institutions to provide an annual security report and annual fire safety report that contain crime statistics and fire statistics for the three most recently completed calendar years, institutional policies or procedures for reporting crimes and current policies concerning the security of, and access to, campus facilities and residencies, as well as security considerations in the maintenance of campus facilities.

A print copy of the most recent report is available upon request, email clery@ung.edu.

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