Veterans & Adult Learners Presentation Transcript

Hello.  My name is Christy Orr, I am the Assistant Director of Student Life, and I oversee the Veteran and Adult Learner Programs here at the University of North Georgia. For the next few minutes, I would like to share with you several UNG resources specifically geared toward our Veteran and Adult Learner students. In this video we will cover three topics:  who, what and where.

Who are VALP Students? Let’s break the VALP name down. Veteran and Adult Learner Programs.

Veteran – this term is a universal term we use to cover all military-affiliated students. Regardless of whether you have been in any branch of the United States Military for one year or ten years, VALP resources are for you. 

Adult Learner - now, this term nationally is defined as someone who is 25 years old or older. However, by the age of 23, I had graduated college, was married, working a full-time job, paying a mortgage on a new home, and raising my first child. I most definitely had adult responsibilities before turning 25. So we understand these responsibilities do not always start at a specific age. If you have adult responsibilities, no matter the age, VALP resources are here for you.

So next, what services does VALP provide?

First and foremost, think of VALP as your concierge while at UNG. We have a specific contact in many departments across the UNG campuses. If you have a question, and we do not know the answer, we will find the answer for you. 

Next, we are available to assist with minor advising and scheduling questions. We do not take the place of your advisor, but if you need assistance with where Prior Learning Credit can be used, you have a question about core curriculum requirements, or you cannot figure out how to register for classes we are here to help.

If you are interested in taking a test to earn course credit through the CLEP testing program we provide CLEP study guides for all subject areas. These study guides can sometimes cost up to $50 each. Instead of buying one, you can check out a study guide from VALP, just like you would a library book. There are several ways to test out of a class:  CLEP, DSST, and FLATS. For more detailed information about each of these and other options, please see our Testing Center website or email us your question.

Another area VALP can assist with is Prior Learning Credit. If you have work or life experiences that you feel are equivalent to what a UNG course covers, contact VALP so we can discuss your options. For our military population, UNG reviews all military transcripts that are submitted through the Federal Joint Services Transcript program. For more information about all types of Prior Learning Assessment or PLA, please see the PLA section of the VALP website.

Last but not least, VALP works very closely with our tutoring centers. Some semesters the tutoring department can provide tutors within our adult learner and military resource centers. If those options are available, they will be posted within the center and on our VALP website. Also, we can assist with finding a tutor for you, whether it is within the tutoring center or reaching out to faculty volunteers who provide tutoring on the side. 

And finally we get to where. Where is VALP?

Currently, we have four resource centers:  Two on the Gainesville campus and one each on the Dahlonega and Oconee campuses. 

These  resource centers are a place for you to meet with your peers, study in a quieter setting, or simply relax between classes. In all four of our centers, we provide computers, printers, resources in book and video format, study group areas, and lounging areas. For more detailed information about each center and to view the locations, please visit the Adult Learner section and the Veteran section of the VALP website.

Remember: VALP is your UNG concierge and advocate. 

This video has discussed just a few ways VALP can assist you from answering questions to assisting with advising, testing out of courses, finding a quiet place to study, or needing tutoring assistance for a subject.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us via email, phone, or stop by our offices with any assistance you may need. 

We know life doesn’t always fit neatly into the Monday through Friday 8-5 timeslot. 

If you would like to meet with us either in person or virtually via SKYPE, TEAMS, or other virtual platforms, let us know. 

For updated information and valuable resources, make sure to like us on our Facebook page at and join our UNG Connect page at 

We look forward to working with you as you soar through your education adventure.