CLEP Testing
For UNG Students: If you have earned a grade other than a W in your course, you may not earn CLEP or DANTES credit for the course.
College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) tests are computer-based, consisting of five general areas and twenty-nine subject areas, for students interested in earning college credit for material they already know.
CLEP ID Requirements
- If the student is a minor and unable to provide a primary government-issued ID, then the College Board Student ID Form must be used for identification purposes.
- Please review the CLEP identification requirements prior to scheduling your appointment.
DANTES Funding
DANTES does not pay the exam fee for a previously funded CLEP exam. Retired service members are not eligible for DANTES-funded CLEP testing; however, they may be eligible for reimbursement for CLEP exams and administrations fees. Authorized Reserve component spouses are also eligible for DANTES-funded CLEP testing. DANTES will no longer fund CLEP exams for spouses and civilians of the Air National Guard.
Retest Policy
Candidates may not repeat a CLEP exam of the same title within three months. Scores of exams repeated earlier than three months will be canceled and test fees forfeited.
A student who has earned a grade other than a W in the course may not earn CLEP or DANTES credit for the course. A student may earn CLEP or DANTES credit for a course in which he/she is currently enrolled provided that the student withdraws from the course no later than the last date in the term to withdraw with a W.
"Freshman Year for Free"
Modern States, dubbed “Freshman Year for Free,” is a program that was established to make college more accessible and affordable. The courses prepare students for introductory CLEP exams in Economics, Sociology, Algebra, and other areas.
There are no prerequisites for the 32 courses that will be offered, and all of them are self-paced. After you complete the coursework and practice questions, request a CLEP voucher code from the Modern States website.
What to Expect
✔ You must provide a valid government issued photo ID and CLEP ticket.
✔ Your name on your registration and your name as it appears on your identification must match exactly.
✔ If you arrive fifteen minutes after your scheduled appointment time, you may not be allowed to test.
✔ Calculators are NOT allowed in the testing lab, there is a calculator built into the test for your use.
✔ Scores will be provided immediately.
✔ Length of Exam: 90 minutes/120 minutes – College Composition.

Register for Your Exam
Step One: Pay the CollegeBoard CLEP Fee
Visit the College Board website to pay the $95.00 CLEP registration fee.
*Effective July 1, 2025, the new CLEP exam fee will be $97. The current $95 fee will still apply to all exams purchased through June 30, 2025.
Step Two: Pay Administration Fee
Pay your $35 administration fee payable by credit/debit card via RegisterBlast. All testing fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Note: You must use a different web browser other than Internet Explorer.
Dahlonega Testing Center
Gainesville Testing Center
Prices/fees are subject to change without notice.